Hello lovelies!
Lately, I don’t post here often. I hope you guys aren’t mad at me because of that. Being pregnant and having to cope with a changing body isn’t always easy for me and often time and energy consuming. Furthermore, I don’t enjoy taking food pictures as much as I used to lately… We are going on our last holiday as just the two of us in a few days and I hope to recharge my batteries in Italy for a fresh start into the summer months. Today, I just have a few pictures from my garden for you. If you want to check out last months garden tour click here.

Let’s start our garden tour in June with the greenhouse. Lots of the seedlings from my terrace have moved here. I have physalis, eggplants, melons, cucumbers, chilis, peppers and some lettuces growing here.

Everything is going more or less fine in the big garden bed. Unfortunately, the broad beans are covered in black bean aphids, but I think that’s due to the ants… We still have some leftover space in these beds, were I will probably plant some lettuces. The sweetcorn and squashes have also moved into the big bed and the tomatoes have found their place in the tomato house. They will get their support soon.

The camomile is blooming like crazy and we are harvesting on a regular basis. We cut the flowers and dry them for tea. The peas are also finally growing and there are some potatoes coming up. It seems like we have forgotten a few potatoes on last years harvest- again…

My herb bed is overflowing. I am really looking forward to cooking in the garden on balmy summer nights and using the huge variety of herbs growing here 🙂

The strawberries and wild strawberries are growing as well. The first fruits are about to ripen, but unfortunately slugs like strawberries too and they seem to be faster than me. I hope that I will get some soon as I didn’t plant them for the slugs…

Most of the currant bushes are full of fruit, but some seem to have very little. We’ll see what this year’s harvest will be like. At least, I’m really happy to see that the first ones already started to change color!

I’m more than happy with my blueberries. Last year there wasn’t a single berry on both bushes and this year there are berries- not lots of them, but they are there! The apple trees also have tiny apples and I’m really happy that there are less than last year 😉

I’m going to finish the post off with some flowers- just like always. Have you spotted the little bee on the yellow flowers? They are all around our garden. Oh, and I’m so happy about the first roses starting to flower, because they are my favorite flowers. I hope you liked the garden tour in June.
See you next time!
XOXO, Stef